Tuesday 8 March 2011

Our First Conference Call Over with exciting news and updates...

Tonight at 9pm we started the Gold Armenia team 2011's first conference call!  
It lasted only an hour and was quite a surreal experience, but nevertheless we all survived and have plenty more news and updates to keep us going.

So what did we talk about...

1st briefing -  We all thought it was fun and a success. Slight information overload but, everyone agrees that the more information, the better!

Fundraising - Everyone is doing well. Discos and craft days have raised loads of pennies and more fundraising plans this week that include a quiz... we will keep you posted on our success.

Badges - They have been ordered! Woop Woop! And what is even better they will arrive before our next briefing! 

Uniform - The quotes are coming in, decision on who to go with is still undecided. However, We have our final colours: 
The Hoodie = Dark Grey
The Polo shirts = Jade Green, Royal Blue and Turquoise.
So lovely and bright! 

Project - Discussed rough dates for flying out, so at the moment we are just checking that we can get time off work and exams are all over. We will keep you posted on that. Also discussed onward travel, which all depends on the date we travel.

So lots of things to keep us going until the next briefing.

Anyway, better get off to bed

Team Armenia 2011